Rony Thakur
Portfolio Director for Cybersecurity Management and Policy
Rony Thakur is the Portfolio Director for Cybersecurity Management and Policy within the School of Cybersecurity and Information Technology at University of Maryland Global Campus. He worked for various private and public entities such as the United Nations, New York University, Lehman Brothers, Barclays Capital, Con Edison, Metropolitan Transport Authority, and City University of New York and New Jersey. He received his PhD in computer science with a specialization in cybersecurity from Pace University in New York, an MS in engineering electrical and computer control systems from the University of Wisconsin, and a BS and AAS in computer systems technology from the City University of New York (CUNY). He reviewed many prestigious journals and published several papers and books with reputable publishers.
His research interests include network security, machine learning, IoT security, privacy, and user behavior. He is currently serving and has previously served as the program chair for many conferences and workshops.