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Policy 170.71 Grade of Incomplete

Policy CategoryPolicy OwnerVersion Effective DateReview Cycle
III. Academic AffairsSVP & CAOMarch 4, 2025Every 2 years

Beginning in Fall 2016, the doctoral and some master's programs have additional parameters for the mark of incomplete ("I"). Students should consult their course syllabi for detailed information.

  1. The Grade of I (Incomplete)
    1. The grade of I is exceptional and given only to students whose completed coursework has been qualitatively satisfactory but who have been unable to complete all course requirements because of illness or other circumstances beyond their control.
    2. The grade of I may be considered only for students who have completed at least 60 percent of the total coursework requirements with a grade of B or better for graduate courses or C or better for undergraduate courses. The student must request an I before the class ends. The faculty member retains the right to make the final decision on granting a student's request for an I, even though the student may meet the eligibility requirements for this grade. If the request is approved, the faculty member will determine a deadline within four months of the last day of the semester or term during which the course was attempted. The faculty member will notify the student of this assigned deadline in writing.
    3. It is the responsibility of the student to complete and submit the remaining course work before the assigned deadline. The faculty member will submit a grade change, converting the I to a letter grade within two weeks of receiving the student's completed work. If the student does not meet the deadline, the I will automatically be converted to a final grade of F. Faculty may not issue a terminal I grade.
    4. For undergraduate students, requests to extend the assigned deadline must be put in writing to the appropriate Dean in Adelphi or Associate Dean in Europe or Asia before the assigned deadline is reached. The request must include appropriate documentation (such as military orders, medical notes, etc.) and a letter from the faculty supporting the extension. The Dean or Associate Dean will make the appropriate decision at his or her discretion and reply to the student, faculty member, and appropriate student affairs unit in writing within 10 calendar days.
    5. Graduate students may not extend beyond the assigned deadline in Section I.B.
    6. The appropriate Student Affairs Unit or Academic Operations will notify each student who has been given an I when the grade change is finalized.
  2. The Grade of G (Grade Pending)
    The grade of G can be used as a placeholder in specific situations where a students' grade is pending the outcome of other policy and/or disciplinary matters. When an allegation of academic dishonesty and/or plagiarism is reported by the faculty under UMGC Policy 150.25 – Academic Integrity Policy, a grade of "G," grade pending, is administratively entered and will remain on a student's record until the process of Policy 150.25 is completed and the final grade for the course is assigned.