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Policy VII-7.30-GC UMGC Policy on Holiday Time Off

Policy CategoryPolicy OwnerVersion Effective DateReview CycleLast ReviewedPolicy Contact
VII. Human ResourcesSVP, General Counsel, Chief People OfficerFebruary 24, 2025Every 5 yearsFebruary 24, 2025HRER
  1. Purpose and Applicability

    This policy establishes the amount of Holiday Time Off earned by University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) Nonexempt, Exempt and Overseas Staff employees on Regular Status. Nonexempt Staff employees who are included in the representation of the collective bargaining unit are subject to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and applicable UMGC HR Policies; where there is a conflict between the two, the MOU will prevail.

  2. Amount of Holiday Time Off
    1. As described below in Section III, employees are eligible to earn State Holidays and UMGC Stateside or Overseas Holidays for a minimum of fifteen (15) Holidays per year or sixteen (16) Holidays during a year of general or congressional elections. Beginning in calendar year 2026, employees are eligible to earn sixteen (16) holidays per year or seventeen (17) holidays during a year of general or congressional elections.
    2. Employees may also be granted any other special observance as required by the legislature and Governor, or otherwise provided by the Chancellor or President.
    3. Full-time employees shall earn eight (8) hours of Holiday Time Off for each holiday earned, regardless of the employee’s workweek schedule. Part-time employees who are employed on at least a 50% FTE shall earn Holiday Time Off on a pro-rated basis.
    4. For holidays observed on the same day that it is earned, employees must be in a paid status on the workday prior to the date the holiday is earned and observed.
    5. For holidays earned and observed on different dates, all employees must be in a paid employment status on the calendar date that the Holiday is earned, in order to be eligible for Holiday pay when the Holiday is observed.
  3. Observance of Holidays
    1. UMGC may at times be served most effectively by the observance of a Holiday on other than the calendar date designated by the legislature and Governor.  In those instances, the President or designee may schedule the observance of selected Holidays on days other than the dates designated by the State.  An employee may be required to perform duties on a Holiday to meet operational needs.
    2. State Holidays

      Holidays shall be earned according to the following schedule and shall be taken according to the applicable procedures:

      Stateside Staff - Twelve (12) Holidays; or Thirteen (13) on election year
      Overseas Staff - Eleven (11) Holidays; or Twelve (12) on election year

      HolidayCalendar Date Holiday is Earned
      New Year’s DayJanuary 1
      Dr. Martin Luther King’s BirthdayThird Monday in January
      President’s DayThird Monday in February
      Memorial DayLast Monday in May
      JuneteenthJune 19
      Independence DayJuly 4
      Labor DayFirst Monday in September
      Columbus DaySecond Monday in October
      Election DayThe Tuesday following the first Monday in November
      (even numbered years only)
      Veteran’s DayNovember 11
      Thanksgiving DayFourth Thursday in November
      Friday after Thanksgiving DayFourth Friday in November
      (Stateside only)
      Christmas DayDecember 25
    3. UMGC Holidays
      1. Stateside Staff - Three (3) additional University Holiday Time Off days are to be earned each calendar year and observed at the discretion of the UMGC President or designee. Beginning in calendar year 2026, a total of four (4) additional University Holiday Time Off days are to be earned each calendar year and observed at the discretion of the President or designee.
      2. Overseas Staff - Additional Holidays are observed as follows:
        1. Four (4) additional UMGC Holidays are to be earned each calendar year.  Beginning in calendar year 2026, a total of five (5) additional University Holiday Time Off days are to be earned each calendar year. Observance of these additional Holidays is announced at the beginning of each calendar year, and UMGC shall record these Holidays as Holiday Time Off.
        2. Foreign Holidays - The President or designee may designate certain foreign Holidays that are observed by the U.S. military authorities when the President or designee anticipates an adverse impact on UMGC operations in the respective country.  When designated, such Holidays shall be taken and recorded by Overseas Staff employees in designated locations as Holiday Time Off, including, but not limited to, foreign Holidays, such as Chusuk, and similar Holidays in other countries.
    4. When a Holiday falls on a Saturday, it is observed on the Friday before, and when a Holiday falls on Sunday, it is observed on the following Monday.
  4. Scheduling of Holidays for Continuous Operations

    UMGC has departments that must provide service on a continuous seven (7) day-a-week basis and may schedule an employee’s Holidays accordingly.  Affected departments may schedule a specific day or days each month as a day off, and these days shall be treated in the same manner as regular Holidays are treated for other employees. For employees in this category, one day of Holiday Time Off shall be granted for each month, except that, for the months of January, July, and a third month at the department’s discretion, two days of Holiday Time Off shall be granted. During a year of general or congressional elections, an additional day shall be granted for the month of November. UMGC has the sole discretion to determine which individual employees in a department shall be placed in this category.


  5. Carry-Over and Payment Prior to Separation/p>

    The CHRO or designee shall maintain procedures as necessary for the carry-over into the next calendar year and payment of accrued but unused Holidays prior to an employee’s separation.

  6. Separation Payment

    Unless employees transfer to another USM Institution or State agency, employees who leave UMGC are entitled to be paid for any unused Holiday Time Off that has been earned and accrued as of the date of separation.

  7. Transfer of Holidays
    1. Upon employee transferring to UMGC from another USM Institution or State agency, or employee transfer from UMGC to another USM Institution or State agency, unused Holiday hours shall be transferred after review of the Holiday schedule at the other USM Institution or the State Agency.
    2. Upon transfer to another USM Institution or State agency, the employee shall not be granted additional Holiday Time Off if the Holiday has already been observed at or paid by UMGC or State agency.
    3. An employee should not have more than sixteen (16) Holidays in a calendar year (seventeen (17) Holidays during a year of general or congressional elections), unless otherwise provided by the President or designee, Chancellor or Governor.


The UMGC President has designated the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) to administer this policy; to develop procedures if as necessary to implement this policy; to communicate this policy to the UMGC community; and to post the policy and any applicable procedures on the UMGC website.

Replacement for:

USM BOR VII-7.30 - Policy on Holiday Leave for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees

UMGC OS 24.00 – Policy on Holiday Leave