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Policy VII-7.10-GC UMGC Policy on Personal Time Off

Policy CategoryPolicy OwnerVersion Effective DateReview CycleLast ReviewedPolicy Contact
VII. Human ResourcesSVP, General Counsel, Chief People OfficerFebruary 24, 2025Every 5 yearsFebruary 2025HRER
  1. Purpose and Applicability

    This policy governs the amount and use of Personal Time Off and applies to all University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) Nonexempt, Exempt and Overseas Staff employees on Regular Status.  Nonexempt Staff employees who are included in the representation of the collective bargaining unit are subject to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and applicable UMGC HR Policies; where there is a conflict between the two, the MOU will prevail.

  2. Definitions
    1. Calendar Year - The period of time beginning January 1 through December 31.
    2. Time Off Cycle - The period of time encompassing the beginning and end of established UMGC payroll cycles in which time off is accrued.
  3. Allotment

    All full-time Nonexempt, Exempt and Overseas Staff employees on Regular Status shall receive three (3) days (not to exceed 24 hours) of Personal Time Off on January 1 each Calendar Year, or four (4) days (not to exceed 32 hours) of Personal Time Off on January 1 in a leap year.  Part-time employees working 20 hours (50% FTE) or more shall receive Personal Time Off on a prorated basis.

  4. Usage
    1. Personal Time Off must be used by the end of the first full pay period that ends in the new Calendar Year.
      1. Any Personal Time Off that is unused as of that time shall be forfeited by the employee and shall be contributed to the UMGC/USM Leave Reserve Fund, in accordance with VII-7.11-GC – UMGC Policy on Leave Reserve Fund.
      2. No employee shall be paid for unused Personal Time Off at any time.
    2. The use of Personal Time Off shall require prior notification to the employee’s supervisor.
  5. Transfer to Another USM Institution or State Agency
    1. UMGC employees that transfer to another USM Institution shall have any unused Personal Time Off, credited as of the date of separation from UMGC, transferred to the new Institution.
    2. Employees that transfer to another State of Maryland agency shall have any unused Personal Time Off as of the date of separation from UMGC, reported to the State for credit and shall be subject to established Personal Time Off allocations for the State of Maryland employees.
    3. If Personal Time Off allotted for the Calendar Year at UMGC has been utilized upon transfer to another USM Institution, additional Personal Time Off shall not be granted upon appointment to the new Institution.
    4. There shall be no payment for unused Personal Time Off upon separation from UMGC.
  6. Rehire in the Same Calendar Year

    If an employee has left UMGC and is reinstated in the same calendar year, they will receive the amount of unused personal days that were forfeited in their departure upon reinstatement.

Implementation Procedures:

The UMGC President has designated the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) to administer this policy; to develop procedures as necessary to implement this policy; to communicate this policy to the UMGC community; and to post the policy and any applicable procedures on the UMGC website.

Replacement for:

USM BOR VII-7.10 - Policy on Personal Leave for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees