Policy Category | Policy Owner | Version Effective Date | Review Cycle | Last Reviewed | Policy Contact |
VII. Human Resources | SVP, General Counsel, Chief People Officer | February 24, 2025 | Every 5 years | February 24, 2025 | HRER |
Purpose and Applicability
This policy governs the accrual and usage of Vacation Time Off and applies to all University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) Nonexempt, Exempt and Overseas Staff employees on Regular Status. Nonexempt Staff employees who are included in the representation of the collective bargaining unit are subject to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and applicable UMGC HR Policies; where there is a conflict between the two, the MOU will prevail.
Calendar Year: The period of time beginning January 1 through December 31.
Full-time Nonexempt Staff employees on Regular status shall earn Vacation Time Off on a biweekly basis according to the following schedule:
From the date of Employment through completion of the 1st year | 14 days |
Beginning with the 2nd year through completion of the 2nd year | 15 days |
Beginning with the 3rd year through completion of the 3rd year | 16 days |
Beginning with the 4th year through completion of the 4th year | 17 days |
Beginning with the 5th year through completion of the 10th year | 18 days |
Beginning with the 11th year through completion of the 20th year | 20 days |
Beginning with the 21st year and thereafter | 25 days |
Full-time Overseas Staff employees on Regular status at a pay grade 005 or below shall earn Vacation Time Off on a monthly basis according to the following schedule:
From the date of Employment through completion of the 3rd year | 15 days |
Beginning with the 4th year through completion of the 5th year | 17 days |
Beginning with the 6th year through completion of the 8th year | 20 days |
Beginning with the 9th year through completion of the 20th year | 22 days |
Beginning with the 21st year and thereafter | 25 days |
Full-time Overseas Staff employees on Regular status at a pay grade 006 or above shall earn Vacation Time Off on a monthly basis according to the following schedule:
Beginning with the date of employment and less than 21 years of service. | 22 days |
Beginning with the completion of 21 years of service and thereafter | 25 days |
Payment for Vacation Time Off at Time of Separation from Service
Employees who leave UMGC, except under circumstances outlined under VI.C, are entitled to compensation for up to 50 days (400 hours) of Vacation Time Off carried over from the previous year plus any unused Vacation Time Off that has been accrued and is available for use during the year of separation as of the date of separation.
Return to UMGC Service Upon Reinstatement
An employee returning to UMGC service with an authorized Reinstatement within three (3) years of separation shall earn Vacation Time Off at the same rate in effect at the time of separation from active service.
Return to UMGC/USM/State Service
An employee who is entering or returning to UMGC service is entitled to credit towards the rate of Vacation Time Off earning for previous UMGC/USM and/or State of Maryland agency employment regardless of the length of the absence, if the service included at least 180 days of continuous and satisfactory performance in an allocated position.
Return to UMGC Service After a Leave of Absence Without Pay
An employee who returns to UMGC service upon the conclusion of a Leave of Absence Without Pay (LWOP) shall earn Vacation Time Off at the same rate in effect at the time the Leave of Absence Without Pay began.
Implementation Procedures
The UMGC President has designated the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) to administer this policy; to develop procedures as necessary to implement this policy; to communicate this policy to the UMGC community; and to post the policy and any applicable procedures on the UMGC website.
Replacement for:
USM BOR VII - 7.00 – Policy on Annual Leave for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
UMGC OS 16.00 – Policy on Annual Leave for Overseas Regular Staff Members