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Policy VII-7.00-GC UMGC Policy on Vacation Time Off

Policy CategoryPolicy OwnerVersion Effective DateReview CycleLast ReviewedPolicy Contact
VII. Human ResourcesSVP, General Counsel, Chief People OfficerFebruary 24, 2025Every 5 yearsFebruary 24, 2025HRER
  1. Purpose and Applicability

    This policy governs the accrual and usage of Vacation Time Off and applies to all University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) Nonexempt, Exempt and Overseas Staff employees on Regular Status.  Nonexempt Staff employees who are included in the representation of the collective bargaining unit are subject to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and applicable UMGC HR Policies; where there is a conflict between the two, the MOU will prevail.

  2. Definition

    Calendar Year: The period of time beginning January 1 through December 31.

  3. Earned Time Off
    1. Full-time Nonexempt Staff employees on Regular status shall earn Vacation Time Off on a biweekly basis according to the following schedule:

      From the date of Employment through completion of the 1st year14 days
      Beginning with the 2nd year through completion of the 2nd year15 days
      Beginning with the 3rd year through completion of the 3rd year16 days
      Beginning with the 4th year through completion of the 4th year17 days
      Beginning with the 5th year through completion of the 10th year18 days
      Beginning with the 11th year through completion of the 20th year20 days
      Beginning with the 21st year and thereafter25 days
    2. Full-time Exempt Staff employees on Regular status earn 22 days of Vacation Time Off per year. Exempt employees accrue time off, on a biweekly basis. Beginning with the 21st year of employment, full-time Exempt employees shall earn 25 days of Vacation Time Off per year.
    3. Full-time Overseas Staff employees on Regular status at a pay grade 005 or below shall earn Vacation Time Off on a monthly basis according to the following schedule:

      From the date of Employment through completion of the 3rd year15 days
      Beginning with the 4th year through completion of the 5th year17 days
      Beginning with the 6th year through completion of the 8th year20 days
      Beginning with the 9th year through completion of the 20th year22 days
      Beginning with the 21st year and thereafter25 days
    4. Full-time Overseas Staff employees on Regular status at a pay grade 006 or above shall earn Vacation Time Off on a monthly basis according to the following schedule:

      Beginning with the date of employment and less than 21 years of service.22 days
      Beginning with the completion of 21 years of service and thereafter25 days
    5. Part-time employees on Regular Status working 20 hours per week (50% FTE) or more shall earn Vacation Time Off on a prorated basis. Employees working less than 20 hours per week (50% FTE) are not eligible to earn time off.
    6. Vacation Time Off can be used to the extent that it is accrued and available in the time off bank.
  4. Time Off Usage and Accumulation
    1. Except under the provisions of section V of this policy, Vacation Time Off with pay shall be available for use only to the extent earned, provided that the dates of such time off have been approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor.
    2. A maximum of 480 hours (60 workdays) of Vacation Time Off may be carried into a new Calendar Year by full-time employees on Regular Status; this maximum shall be prorated for part-time employees working 20 hours per week (50% FTE) or more in accordance with applicable procedures.
    3. Employees Vacation Time Off usage is subject to review and approval by the supervisor with first consideration given to the organizational needs of UMGC in accordance with applicable procedures.
    4. Employees may not be permitted to take time off during certain periods of time as set forth in the applicable procedures.
  5. Advanced Vacation Time Off for Nonexempt Employees
    1. With the approval of the CHRO or designee, an employee may be advanced up to ten (10) days of Vacation Time Off with the advance approval of their immediate supervisor, provided that no other time off, including Personal Time Off, Compensatory Time Off or Sick Time Off, is available to the employee and is appropriate to the purpose of the time off..
    2. The CHRO or designee shall approve the Advanced Vacation Time Off, provided that it shall not significantly impair operations in the employee’s Department or Unit, and that the employee has demonstrated a substantial need for such time off.
  6. Payment for Denied Vacation Time Off for Nonexempt Employees
    1. If the employee requests payment, the payment is limited to unused Vacation Time Off that is in excess of the maximum accumulation permitted under Section III.B and that would otherwise be lost by the employee at the end of the Calendar Year.
    2. Upon request by the employee, the employee’s supervisor shall submit the employee’s request along with the supervisor’s recommendation, copies of the written request for time off, and the written denial and explanation of why the request was denied, to the CHRO for consideration and review by the Chief Business Officer (CBO) for approval.
    3. If the employee was denied use of Vacation Time Off for UMGC’s business or administrative needs, the employee may request payment of Vacation Time Off or an extended period of up to 60 additional days after the end of the first full pay period that ends in the new Calendar Year to use the denied time off, if the time off will be lost at the end of the calendar year pursuant to Section III.B.
    4. If a supervisor denies a Nonexempt employee’s request to take Vacation Time Off for business or administrative reasons, the supervisor shall provide any such denial in writing and shall state the reasons for such denial.
  7. Impact of Changes in Employment
    1. Full-Time To Part-Time Employment
      1. An employee who experiences an employment change from full-time to part-time shall retain his/her existing accrued Vacation Time Off balance at the time of the change.
      2. At the discretion of CHRO or designee, such accrued time off may be either:
        1. Used by the employee during the course of his/her part-time employment; or
        2. Paid to the employee at the time of conversion to part-time employment.
    2. Eligible to Ineligible Time Off Accrual Status
      1. Upon a change in employment to a position in which the employee is not eligible to accrue time off, such accrued time off shall be paid to the employee at the time of conversion to time off-ineligible status in accordance with applicable procedures.
      2. At the discretion of CHRO or designee, such accrued time off may be either:
        1. Used by the employee during the course of his/her employment in a time off-ineligible position; or
        2. Paid to the employee at the time of conversion to a time off-ineligible position.
    3. Transfer of Vacation Time Off
      1. Employees who transfer from UMGC to another USM Institution or State of Maryland agency shall have their unused Vacation Time Off, accrued as of the date of separation from UMGC, transferred to that Institution or State agency unless there is a break in service of 30 days or more.
      2. Employees in a Regular position with another USM Institution or State of Maryland Agency who accept a Regular position at UMGC without a break in service shall have their unused Vacation Time Off, accrued as of the last day of employment at the Institution or State agency, transferred to UMGC.
    4. Payment for Vacation Time Off at Time of Separation from Service

      Employees who leave UMGC, except under circumstances outlined under VI.C, are entitled to compensation for up to 50 days (400 hours) of Vacation Time Off carried over from the previous year plus any unused Vacation Time Off that has been accrued and is available for use during the year of separation as of the date of separation.

    5. Rate of Vacation Time Off Earnings Upon Return to UMGC/USM/State Service
      1. Return to UMGC Service Upon Reinstatement

        An employee returning to UMGC service with an authorized Reinstatement within three (3) years of separation shall earn Vacation Time Off at the same rate in effect at the time of separation from active service.

      2. Return to UMGC/USM/State Service

        An employee who is entering or returning to UMGC service is entitled to credit towards the rate of Vacation Time Off earning for previous UMGC/USM and/or State of Maryland agency employment regardless of the length of the absence, if the service included at least 180 days of continuous and satisfactory performance in an allocated position.

      3. Return to UMGC Service After a Leave of Absence Without Pay

        An employee who returns to UMGC service upon the conclusion of a Leave of Absence Without Pay (LWOP) shall earn Vacation Time Off at the same rate in effect at the time the Leave of Absence Without Pay began.

Implementation Procedures

The UMGC President has designated the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) to administer this policy; to develop procedures as necessary to implement this policy; to communicate this policy to the UMGC community; and to post the policy and any applicable procedures on the UMGC website.

Replacement for:

USM BOR VII - 7.00 – Policy on Annual Leave for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees

UMGC OS 16.00 – Policy on Annual Leave for Overseas Regular Staff Members