Scholarship Award Details
The following details apply to all new students earning the Completion Scholarship in summer 2021 or later. Please review these details carefully, as they contain information about award amounts, notification details, disbursement, paying your balance, and scholarship renewal criteria.
If you receive the Completion Scholarship, you will pay no more than $199 for every credit you attempt at UMGC—up to a total of 60 attempted credits—for a maximum of five calendar years from your first scholarship award. In total, you will pay $12,000 or less to complete your bachelor's degree, unless you need more than 60 attempted credits or if you do not complete your program within five calendar years. If you need more than 60 attempted credits at UMGC, or if you continue your coursework beyond the five-year maximum, you will be charged regular tuition and fees for those credits.
You can receive Completion Scholarship funds during the summer, fall, and spring terms.
Your scholarship award amount may be adjusted based on changes you make to your enrollment. You will receive additional scholarship funding if you add eligible courses. Any Completion Scholarship amount you receive for courses you withdraw from, fail, or otherwise do not earn credit for will remain applied to your account, but the award amount may be prorated based on your remaining balance due after other financial aid or tuition cost adjustments are complete. These credits still count toward your 60-credit maximum attempted credits allowed while receiving this scholarship, regardless of any award amount proration.
You will receive email communication from the Office of Financial Aid at the following times:
- When you first become eligible to begin receiving the Completion Scholarship
- When your scholarship is posted to your student account for each session in which you are enrolled
The Completion Scholarship is awarded to students based on active enrollment in courses. Because UMGC has multiple session start dates within each term, your Completion Scholarship award will be posted to your student account in the 10-day window prior to each session start date in which you are enrolled in eligible credits, not for the entire term in advance.
Once the scholarship has been credited to your account, there will be a balance on your account for each course that you take because the Completion Scholarship only covers a portion of your charges for each eligible course you take. This balance is your responsibility and if you do not pay it, you will be dropped from your selected courses. Remember, you also have the following payment options:
- UMGC's interest-free monthly payment plan
- Pay using financial aid if you submitted a FAFSA and received a financial aid offer; view your financial aid offer in the Financial Aid section of your MyUMGC student portal
- Pay out of pocket; estimate your costs by viewing our affordable tuition rates
If you owe a balance, please be sure to pay it as soon as possible. Not paying your balance will affect your ability to register for courses and receive the Completion Scholarship in future terms. Any unpaid balance may be sent to collections per UMGC institutional policy.
You can renew your Completion Scholarship award if you continue to meet the initial eligibility criteria and meet all the following continuing eligibility criteria:
- Meet the university's requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Maintain a term and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better
- Have attempted fewer than 60 cumulative credits of coursework
- Are within the maximum five calendar year timeframe from the semester of your first Completion Scholarship disbursement
- Enroll in and complete at least 3 credits with a grade of C or better each fall and spring term; this enrollment must be continuous (you may not skip a fall or spring term if you wish you maintain eligibility for the Completion Scholarship)
- Continue to meet the university’s residency criteria for In-State (Maryland), Military, or Asia/Europe status.
You can earn the Completion Scholarship in the summer term, but it is not a required term for enrollment. However, if you choose to enroll in summer term courses, you must meet the eligibility criteria outlined above.
Please review this page for any updates regarding the Completion Scholarship award details, eligibility requirements, and renewal requirements.
Continuous Enrollment Requirement: Enrollment in the winter intersession is optional for Completion Scholarship recipients. Successfully completing a 3-credit course in the winter intersession does not meet the continuous enrollment requirement for the spring semester. To continue meeting the eligibility requirements for the Completion Scholarship, you must successfully complete at least 3 credits in each of the fall and spring semesters, regardless of your enrollment in the winter intersession.
Award Posting: Completion Scholarship awards for the winter intersession will be posted to your student account as anticipated aid prior to the start of the winter intersession, but will only disburse to your account once spring semester disbursements begin in January. Your winter intersession award will appear on your student account as “Completion Scholarship – Spring” due to the disbursement timing.
Disbursement: Disbursement of your winter intersession Completion Scholarship award is contingent upon your continued eligibility, based on your final fall semester grades and course completion. If you are no longer eligible for the Completion Scholarship after your final fall semester grades have posted, any winter Intersession Completion Scholarship funding will be canceled, and you will not be eligible to continue receiving the Completion Scholarship in subsequent semesters.
Get answers to frequently asked questions about scholarship award amounts, disbursement schedules, and more.
Learn how to submit your transcripts directly to UMGC.
No. It does not matter when you earned your associate's degree from a Maryland community college.
In order to avoid being dropped from a course that you have registered for, please ensure you have made payment arrangements to cover the entire balance due. For more information, please read about payment deadlines and disenrollment. If you are using financial aid, please be sure you have enough aid to cover your entire tuition due. If you do not have enough aid to cover the entire balance, you will need to find an alternative way to pay the difference, such as using UMGC's interest-free monthly payment plan.
If you lose continuing eligibility for the Completion Scholarship due to extenuating circumstances you may submit an appeal to request reinstatement of your eligibility. Your appeal must be submitted within 60 days of the date of the email notification that you lost continuing eligibility. Appeals submitted after 60 days may not be considered. No more than one appeal may be approved for each student throughout the duration of the five-year award maximum time period.
To submit an appeal, you may submit a written, signed statement and any supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances via the Help Center. Appeals will be reviewed, and decisions rendered, within two business weeks of receipt of a completed appeal.
There is no guarantee that an appeal will be approved. Generally, the reasons considered for an appeal are limited to family and/or medical emergencies, or other significant, extenuating circumstances.
If your military tuition assistance pays 100 percent of your tuition and fees, you are not eligible for this scholarship. Veteran students using education benefits are eligible if they are Maryland residents and meet other scholarship eligibility criteria.
If your employer's tuition remission or assistance pays 100 percent of your tuition and fees, you are not eligible for the scholarship. If you receive partial employer tuition remission or assistance, you are eligible for the scholarship if you meet the other scholarship eligibility requirements. However, the scholarship award may be pro-rated based on remaining balance due.
Employees of UMGC and their dependents as well as anyone who receives remission of fees from other institutions are not eligible for UMGC institutional scholarships, including the Completion Scholarship.
The FAFSA is not required. However, it is strongly recommended that you complete the FAFSA to be reviewed for eligibility for other forms of institutional, state, and federal aid, since the Completion Scholarship does not cover the full cost of tuition and fees.
Please note: If you are a financial aid recipient, you must complete all federal requirements in order to receive Title IV funding.
Yes. The Completion Scholarship will be adjusted accordingly to ensure your cost per credit remains at $199. Your overall cost may be higher than $12,000 if you need to attempt more than the 60 credits allowed (e.g. if you need to repeat withdrawn or failed courses, choose to switch programs during your study, or wish to take extra courses).
For students receiving their first Completion Scholarship disbursement in summer 2021 or later:
Your scholarship will be adjusted based on changes you make to your enrollment. You will receive additional scholarship funding if you add courses. Any Completion Scholarship amount you receive for courses you withdraw from, fail, or otherwise do not earn credit for will remain applied to your account, but may be prorated based on your remaining balance due after other financial aid or tuition cost adjustments are complete. These credits still count toward your 60-credit maximum attempted credits allowed while receiving this scholarship.
We always recommend reaching out to the Office of Financial Solutions before withdrawing from any courses during the semester, as there may be financial aid implications of those enrollment actions.
For students who received their first Completion Scholarship disbursement in spring 2021 or earlier:
Your scholarship will be adjusted based on changes you make to your enrollment. You will receive additional scholarship funding if you add courses, or your scholarship will be reduced if you drop or withdraw from a course.
If you need to drop a course during the term, it is best to contact your advisor first. If you choose to drop your course during a term, you may want to consider replacing it with another course to ensure you can complete the term with at least 3 credits.
If you drop or withdraw from a course during the term, your Completion Scholarship will be reduced. If you owe a balance, please be sure to pay it as soon as possible. Not paying your balance will affect your ability to register for courses and receive the Completion Scholarship in future terms. Any unpaid balance may be sent to collections per UMGC institutional policy.
If you have dual enrollment, you are eligible for the Completion Scholarship once you complete your associate's degree. You must have earned a cumulative 2.0 GPA at both institutions to be considered.
If you would like to participate in the reverse transfer program, please reach out to to determine your eligibility for the Completion Scholarship.
Rules & Eligibility: Students Starting Spring 2021 or Earlier
The following requirements apply to all current Completion Scholarship recipients who received any disbursement of the Completion Scholarship in spring 2021 or before. If you fall into this category, your initial and continuing eligibility criteria have not changed and will remain the same until summer 2026.
- You earned an associate's degree from a Maryland community college.
- You are admitted to UMGC as a degree-seeking student pursuing your first bachelor's degree and have earned no more than 12 credits at UMGC.
- You are a Maryland resident receiving the in-state tuition rate or an active-duty military servicemember.
- If you receive tuition assistance or remission: Your military Tuition Assistance or employer's tuition remission or assistance does not cover 100 percent of your tuition.
- If you are already enrolled: You meet UMGC's requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- If you are already enrolled: You are in good financial standing at UMGC.
You can renew your Completion Scholarship award if you continue to meet the initial eligibility criteria and meet all the following continuing eligibility criteria:
- Meet the university's requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Have completed less than 60 cumulative credits of coursework
- Maintain a term and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better
- Enroll in and complete at least 3 credits with a grade of C or better each fall and spring term; this enrollment must be continuous
You can earn the Completion Scholarship in the summer term, but it is not a required term for enrollment. However, if you choose to enroll in summer term courses, you must meet the continuing eligibility criteria outlined above.